Our Health Agenda

Health care is a right. Currently, too many of our neighbors have to decide whether to go to the doctor or pay their rent. No matter one’s income, we have to work together to ensure people can get the treatment they need to thrive, tackle substance abuse issues, support their kids, and strengthen their communities.

Let’s Dare to Act for:

  • Free access to a ”Medicare-for-All” system that includes long-term care, dental and vision, while also expanding mental health

  • Allowing people to buy cheaper prescription drugs from Canada

  • Protecting a woman’s right to choose

  • Eliminating racial and socioeconomic disparities in the healthcare system

  • Protecting Medicaid funding until Medicare for All is enacted

  • Preventing “Big Pharma” from price gouging

  • Increasing taxes and fees on opioids to pay for drug treatment and prevention (without costs being shifted to the consumer)

  • Banning “gag clauses” that stop pharmacists from sharing information about cheaper generic drugs with consumers